The James Dyson Foundation have a wide range of science and engineering challenges to attempt at home. There are 44 challenges in total, split into 22 science challenges and 22 engineering challenges suitable for children aged seven and up, with adult supervision.
All the challenges can be downloaded in one document so you can choose which challenges to do based on what resources you have available and the suitability based on the age of your children.
Most of the challenges should be possible to do with things you already have lying around the house, so it will be easy to find an interesting challenge to get started on right away.
You can download the challenge cards on the James Dyson Foundation website:
Science Challenges
- Changing States
- Underwater Volcano
- Floating Ping-pong Balls
- Balloon Kebabs
- Liquid Densities
- Expanding Gases
- Tornado In A Bottle
- Non- Newtonian Fluid
- Bright As A New Penny
- Lenz’s Law
- Inertial Eggs
- 100 + 100 = 192?
- Measure The Speed Of Light
- Weather Balloon
- Floating Paper Clip
- Fire Extinguisher
- Scared Pepper
- Dancing Raisins
- How To Make A Lava lamp
- Ivory Soap
- Coloured Carnations
- Invisible Ink

Engineering Challenges
- Geodesic Domes
- Marble Run
- Spaghetti Bridges
- Strong As A Drinking Straw
- Electric Motor
- Cotton Reel Tank
- Cardboard Boat
- Cardboard Chair
- Boat Powered By A Chemical Reaction
- Cartesian Diver
- Balloon Car Race
- Design And Build A Helicopter
- Water Clock
- Metal Etching
- Jelly And Oil
- Build A Compass
- A Tough Nut To Crack
- Burning Custard
- Homemade Water Bomb
- Potato Power
- Make A Periscope
- Attractive Nails